Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Let's play 50 questions.

1. Who started the Television?
2. How many Television programs are on TV?
3. How long does the average person watch tv a day?
4. How old can a child get addicted to TV?
5. How many swearwords are used in an average 30 min program?
6. How many swearwords do kids hear a day from media?
7. when was the first swearword said on public tv?
8. why do people want to use swearwords on TV?
9. what kind of shows do people watch on TV?
10. Has anyone died from watching TV to long?
11. Has anyone died from playing Video games to long?
12. How many hours a day do people play Video games?
13. What do profesionals say about playing video games to long?
14. How has media influenced the average household?
15. How did people live without TV?
16. Do some people still live without TV?
17. Do people have a TV but not have streamed Programing?
18. How has TV been a help to us today?
19. how much learning does people get from watching TV?
20. How much Learning happens when people play Video Games?
21. Could Society function without TV?
22. What did kids used to do for fun before TV?
23. Has society become more paranoid from watching TV?
24. Do kids have more friends today than they did before TV?
25. How has TV affected the health of kids and people?
26. How has internet affected the postal system?
27. what were the perposes of the internet being created?
28. What kind of people funded the internet?
29. How high has crime jumped since the internet?
30. How high has the crime jumped since TV?
31. Does media inspire crime?
32. How many TV Shows have been made?
33. How many movies have been made since the start of movies?
34. What was the first movie ever made?
35. Should there be a ban on certain programs on TV?
36. Should stations have at least one educational program?
37. What would happen if all the TV Stations were neutalized?
38. How could media be reduced in peoples lives?
39. What could people learn in the time that people spend on tv each week?
40. How many books could be read by the average person each year with the time spent watching TV?
41. What should the job of the media be?
42. Do you lose more weight sleeping or watching TV?
43. Is watching TV really bad for your eyes?
44. Should news stop focusing on the bad stuff and start publishing positive stories?
45. Could uplifting stories, movie, and TV Shows reduce Crime?
46. How much money does a TV Station make?
47. What is the salary of a movie star compared to the average person.
48. Can I be done?
49. Does TV have an effect on how long you live?
50. Has TV made the US more prosperous?
51. Has TV Caused the US to go into debt?

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